Thank you to everyone who were involved in the two SECURITY2CURE conferences during 2024.
If you would like to keep in contact with regards to future events please join our mailing list.
The Conference
2024: Two Conferences - Two Cities
9 August 2024
23 August 2024
Our schedule for the day, in both cities, includes a range of engaging talks in the field of Cyber Security, covering both technical and non-technical aspects. We are extremely fortunate to have a fantastic group of speakers who have generously volunteered their time for these events.
Both events will feature contributions from industry colleagues, who will share personal experiences of how cancer has impacted their lives, whether through their own journey, or that of a loved one. Additionally, we have medical professionals who will also provide valuable insights and advice on prevention and detection activities.
​Places are limited! Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from industry peers, leaders, and enthusiasts alike, as they share insights from the cyber front lines, and embrace the humility and vulnerability of the insidious disease that impacts all of us.

